(SIGH) privacy policy is updated accordingly to the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


(SIGH) is not responsible for the content referenced on websites on its corporate website pages for informational purposes and assumes no liability for any termination or modification of the activities of such websites, for any claims or disputes directly or indirectly related to the contents of such websites or for any damages that may thereby result.


Data privacy is extremely important for us and we want to be open and transparent with our processing of your personal data. The personal data collected through the website are processed in accordance with General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) EU 679/2016.

We never pass on, sell or swap your data for marketing purposes to third parties outside (SIGH). We will only act as the personal data processor and processes the personal data on our behalf. Data that is forwarded to third parties, is only used to provide you with our services.

All personal information you provide us or that we obtain will be handled by (SIGH) as responsible for the personal information. The personal information you provide can be used to ensure communication and deliveries to you and for the credit assessment. You have the right to inspect the information held about you. You always have the right to request (SIGH) to delete or correct the information held about you. To do so contact us via email at

For every specific processing of personal data we collect from you we will inform you whether the provision of personal data is statutory or required to enter a contract and whether it is an obligation to provide the personal data and possible consequences if you choose not to.


You have the right to access your personal data. You have the right to request information about the personal data we hold on you at any time. You can contact (SIGH) via email at and we will provide you with your personal data via e-mail.

You have the right to portability. Whenever (SIGH) processes your personal data by automated means based on your consent or based on an agreement you have the right to get a copy of your data transferred to you or to another party. This only includes the personal data you have submitted to us.

You have the right to rectification. You have the right to request rectification of your personal data if they are incorrect, including the right to have incomplete personal data completed. If you have a (SIGH) account you can edit your personal data in your account pages.

You of the right of erasure. Your right to object to processing based on legitimate interest: You have the right to object the processing of your personal data that is based on (SIGH)’s legitimate interest. (SIGH) will not continue to process the personal data unless we can demonstrate a legitimate ground for the process which overrides your interest and rights or due to legal claims. Your right to object to direct marketing: You have the right to object to direct marketing, including profiling analysis made for direct marketing purposes. You can opt out from direct marketing by the following means by following the instruction in each marketing mails and by editing the settings of your (SIGH) account. You have the right to erase any personal data processed by (SIGH) at any time except for the following situations:

  • you have an ongoing matter with Customer Service;

  • you have an open order which has not yet been shipped or partially shipped;

  • you have an unsettled debt with (SIGH), regardless of the payment method;

  • if you have made any purchase, we will keep your personal data in connection to your transaction for book keeping rules.

You have the right of restriction. You have the right to request that (SIGH) restricts the process of your personal data under the following circumstances:

  • if you are an object to a processing based (SIGH) legitimate interest, (SIGH) shall restrict all processing of such data pending the verification of the legitimate interest.

  • if you have claim that your personal data is incorrect, (SIGH) must restrict all processing of such data pending the verification of the accuracy of the personal data.

  • if the processing is unlawful you can oppose the erasure of personal data and instead request the restriction of the use of your personal data instead.

  • if (SIGH) no longer needs the personal data but it is required for you to make of defending legal claims.

You have the right to complain to a supervisory authority. If you consider that (SIGH) is processing your personal data in an incorrect way you can contact us. You also have the right to turn in a complaint to a supervisory authority.


Joana Alexandra da Silva Veríssimo is (SIGH)’s data controller. (SIGH) is the controller of the personal data you submit to us and responsible for your personal data under applicable data protection law. SQUARESPACE is the processor of (SIGH) Controlled Data.


This document explains the Cookie Policy of the Website and the purchase of products made by its users. Before browsing and using the website, please read the General Conditions of Use, the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy carefully. If you have any questions regarding the use of this website, please contact us at

Access, browsing and orders made through the website entails the acceptance of the Cookie Policy which is explained below. (SIGH) reserves the right to change this Cookie Policy without prior notice. Changes are published in the Cookie Policy area of our website.

Cookies are small text files downloaded and stored on the smartphone, tablet, computer, or any other data storage device with an operating system and Internet access, when using a Browser. The text files contain information on user and browsing preferences, but do not include personal data. Cookies are essential for the user to access content and services. They are used to store user preferences (in terms of interests and preferences), which allows for faster and more efficient browsing. They do not damage the user's equipment and the fact that they are active allows identifying and resolving possible browsing errors that may occur. Enabling the use of cookies while browsing our site is completely voluntary. The user can opt to accept or decline cookies. Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but the user can change the browser configuration to disable cookies. Please be advised that if cookies are disabled, browsing our site may not be optimal and some features may stop working.

(SIGH) might collect the following information:

  • Name;

  • Contact information, including email address;

  • Demographic information, such as zip code, preferences and interests;

  • Other information that may be relevant for searches and/or customer offers.

(SIGH) and its subcontractors or partners are the entities that may have access to and use the information collected by cookies during 30 days. No personally identifiable information is stored, as cookies are not used for direct advertising according to user preferences, nor for other advertising purposes (our own or third parties).

The user may, at any time, access the browser configuration options and disable part or all of the cookies on this website. Blocking cookies may affect user experience.


We may need to update our Privacy Notice. The latest version of the Privacy Notice is always available on our website.